Teaching Learning Cover 2014

Teaching Learning

Helping Your Kids Gain the Learning Skills
They Won’t Get Taught in School
By Sid Jacobson


Since the 1970's, educators, psychologists and politicians have continually stressed the
need to help children actually learn how to learn. This is the first book of it’s kind to do
just that. Aimed at parents who want to start their kids off on the right track, this book is
a step-by-step course in teaching kids how to learn.
The book title does describe clearly what it’s about. It’s designed for parents who want to
help their kids learn how to learn.  It’s a program that includes a great deal to improve
the parent-child relationship, as well as to help kids learn to increase their skills in
learning. These skills include paying attention to what they see and hear, learn from what
they read, manage their own states of mind for improved focus in all areas of life, how to
better express themselves in speaking and writing, as well as how to study most
effectively. The book is filled with explanations, tips, guides, diagrams, check lists and
exercises. It is meant to be self-paced, so parents and children can use it in their own time
and their own way. There has never been anything like this available before, and kids
certainly won’t get most of what is in it in school. Any parent who truly believes that
learning to learn is one of the most valuable lessons their kids can learn, will benefit from
this book.

This book is $23.95 for paperback, $33.95 for hardcover, plus $4.95 shipping and
handling for a total of $28.90/38.90 USD.
You can order (US orders only please) by clicking here.

This Book is also available in all formats including Kindle and you can order from Amazon here.